Friday, 16 December 2011

Practice Filming at Kensington Palace

I went on a media trip to Kingston Palace where we had practice filming. My group was given the theme 'Love' and had to film a montage of shots which related to this. This experience was really enjoyable and I learnt many techniques, including how to use lighting, movement, angles and props effectively. Hopefully, this will, too, enhance my skills that I will need when shooting my horror teaser.

Monday, 12 December 2011

Detailed Filming Plan

Debbie and I met and made a very detailed shot list, noting the actors and locations used for each shot. This helped us plan our filming dates as some actors/locations could only be used depending on the time and date. We also colour coordinated the shots that needed the same actors together which further helped planning.

Thursday, 1 December 2011


Today, my partner, Debbie, came over to my house to film the shrine, the tap scene and the tools. Having filmed before, we became a lot more aware of our use of technique, including lighting and camera movements.

After making the finishing touches, we filmed the shrine from different angles and of different lighting intensities. We, too, practised panning, zooming and tracking.

We collected tools from both our homes to use as the Surgeon's tools. We put them all in a tray and filmed them a few times, each with a different shade of lighting.

This was the most difficult task. Having reflected from the trouble we had from our last filming experience, we, this time, waited until it was dark enough outside. We also used the artificial lighting, which helped.

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Video Response to Paranormal Activity 3

Backstage: The Canal

My role this week

Today, I edited the video that my filming partner, Debbie, and I took of the canal - one of our filming locations. Although we filmed during October half term, it took a while to upload successfully. We also went to see Paranormal Activity 3, not only for fun, but also for inspiration as it was a horror film. Debbie and I also made a video diary in response to the film. The video diary hasn't been edited yet, but will be soon.

We also started filming last week - the tap scene. Of course, there were difficulties owing to the limited space we had and the lighting. Trying to block out the natural light that the camera was picking was the hardest; we tried to do it using umbrellas and coats but it didn't make much of a difference. Instead, we started to create the Surgeon's shrine. We collected magazines and newspapers and started cutting out images and text that we thought related to the idea of perfection and obsession.

We also had a few problems with the actors. Since the actor who was meant to be portraying 'The Surgeon' was away, we were a bit held back with time. However, he's back now and we're almost ready to keep up with our schedule. Also, the main girl who was playing the 'victim' was very busy these few weeks which, again, set us back again. We're not sure whether it's still realistic to use her in our trailer or to try look for someone else. Nevertheless, we still have time as there are many shots that doesn't need both those actors.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Researching Horror Music on SoundCloud - Example 3

Horror music by AmyAlexander

This track was full of action owing to the fast paced piano keys at the start. It created anticipation and gave us a few ideas of how we'd structure our teaser.

Researching Horror Music on SoundCloud - Example 2

Horror Music by gangstersnick

I found that this track depicted the horror genre really well. The childlike voice was really creepy and contrasted well with the low, deep sounds in the background.

Researching Horror Music on SoundCloud - Example 1

Horror music by AmyAlexander

This is one of my favourite, especially the beginning part, because it evokes a chilling feel and creates suspence through the low and deep breaths, and it goes well with the beginning of our trailer.

Friday, 14 October 2011

"My Role" this week

Today, my partner Debbie and I drew a very detailed storyboard which will, later, be scanned and edited on Movie Maker into an animatic. To do this, we had to refer to our teaser plan, taking all the shots into account. We have drawn 40 shots altogether.

Sunday, 9 October 2011

DofE Vox Pop

While I was away on Duke of Edinburgh, I took videos of a few teenagers, asking them questions on horror films. This was shot very quickly and the answers, though brief, were quite interesting.

Teacher's Feedback

First Half of Planning and Research Presentation [Video]

First Half of Planning and Research Presentation [Powerpoint]

"My Role" this week

Since I was away on Duke of Edinburgh last week, my partner Debbie has had to present the planning and research presentation on her own. Fortunately, she has presented half of the presentation, meaning I will then present the other half this week. We have, however, created the whole power point together the week before.

This is what Debbie has covered in her presentation last week:
Genre Conventions
Location & Props

Thus, I will have to present the following this week:
Teaser Plan
Rough Storyboard
Key Questions
Actors & Costumes

And, finally, together we'll present the Target Audience Research because it requires both our time and effort.

Monday, 3 October 2011

Actors & Costume

Location & Props

Questions Raised

1. Who is the girl tied to the chair? Where is she? Why is she there?
2. Why is she bruised? Why does she have red marks on her?
3. Who is the man dragging the scalpel?
4. Why are there pictures of girls on the wall?
5. Is he crazy?
6. Who was that being dragged?
7. Why is dragging her?
8. Why are they hurting that girl?
9. What is the man about to do?
10. Who is that girl laying on the table?
11. Who is that girl crawling on the floor?
12. What is the stuff coming out of her mouth? Why is it there?
13. Who is the guy shutting the door?
14. Who is that girl?
15. What have they been doing?
16. Why does the girl look drugged?
17. Who is that man walking in front of her?
18. What is that ritual that man is doing?
19. Is he crazy?
20. Who is in that trolley-like thing?
21. Why is the girl being dragged?
22. Who is dragging her?
23. Why was the girl in a room?
24. Why are there red marks on her body?
25. What is she going to do with the dagger?
26. Why is the girl forced to look at herself in the mirror?
27. Who is forcing her?
28. Who is that girl that the man is washing her blood away?

A Rough Storyboard

Rough Teaser Plan

Shot List

Synopsis - First Draft

Years of studying and playing by the rules, all to be betrayed by the art he loves so dearly. But now, the rule book has been thrown out the window.
In this spine-tingling torture horror we see the failed plastic surgeon Osman (‘The Copycat’) stalk, kidnap and hold hostage Chloe (‘Dolls’), an aspiring actress to perform the unspeakable.
Directed by Debbyaan Onyenassir this urgent, intensely moving and gripping story shapes the human fantasy of a demented surgeon.
Your imperfections are his opportunities.

Saturday, 1 October 2011


Create your own video slideshow at

"My Role"

Earlier this week, I had my first meeting with my filming partner, Debbie. Together we delegated the tasks each of us had to complete for our planning and research. The tasks I had to carry out were:
Mood board
The tasks Debbie had to carry out were:
Key questions
Genre conventions
We then decided to do target audience and research, a rough story board, a teaser plan and a synopsis together as those tasks heavily depended on both our ideas and required a lot more time. It also meant it’d be complete to a higher standard.

Initial Planning

Woman in Black - Trailer Analysis

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy - Trailer Analysis

Woman in Black - Poster Analysis

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy - Poster Analysis